Monday, December 3, 2007

春よ, 來い - 松任谷由實 (Spring, Come - Matsutoya Yumi)

I'm sure everyone enjoyed the first snow yesterday! Besides the ridiculously cold weather and the gross gutters, it was nice having snow. Yet it was a clear sign that winter, surely, has arrived - making me reminisce about the other seasons. Every winter I like to listen to 春よ, 來い by Matsutoya Yumi - one of the most talented and popular Japanese singer-song writers. It's amazing how she sustains her popularity regardless of the fact that she debuted 30 years ago!

春よ, 來い is one of her most popular songs. From what I hear, lyrics are included in Japanese middle school textbooks...

So I was planning to have the lyrics posted too, but I couldn't google any english translations of the lyrics. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to leave you with just the music video for now. Considering the song's almost 20 years old, the music video might be a bit old-school for your tastes, but please enjoy!

1 comment:

Kate S said...

omg I love this!!! So pretty! It does sort of put you in a wintery mood ね。