Tuesday, November 13, 2007


The topic of this week is none other than: FOOD! How awesome!
Speaking of food...
We can't miss out on SOBA when we talk about Japanese food!

First, check these out:

The pictures are a bit too small to make out what's happening, but it's apparently a summer tradition to eat noodles out of these bamboo pipes, with cold water flowing in them. Warms nooldes are sent down from and as the noodle strands go down the pipe with a stream of cold water, it naturally chills the noodles and by the time it reaches the other end, it's nice, cold, and ready to eat?

I thought they were called ながいそば、but according to google search, that's not it~
Does anyone know the name of this soba?


Rachel said...

that's awesome!! I want a noodle gutter.

なずきあん said...

わたしも そば、うどん、らーめんが
大好きです。毎日、たべても だいじょうぶです:)
